Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Wriggling like an upturned cockroach, a hand sets you straight. You set out for that elusive freedom. Prancing around at the cusps of transition. Defining loyalties, Shifting loyalties. The whole script reeks of inevitability, but no. You know that all's well doesn't end well; but you bask in denial. They say 'you chose the wrong road'; you scoff. Not at them, but at yourself for the charade. A charade that wasn't supposed to be. But you move on, wearily. Brevity and ignorance are virtues long lost.. Life was much better upside down.


youprat said...

I totally get this ! And relate to it ! only.. life is NOT better upside down :)

youprat said...

So you dig Blackadder?! It is effing brilliant no?

me? said...

heh heh heh.. blackadder rocks.. havent moved beyond season 2 though. it seems it gets better season 3 onwards.. but why blackadder suddenly here?

youprat said...

i'd read on FB or something. and impulsively (like i do most things) commented here.